7 Week Journey To Unblock The Channels of Blessings And Get Answers To The Burning Questions You’ve Had On Your Mind Recently! - We Promise!

When you forget your wisdom, the channels to manifestation get clogged and the universe sends you a million messages to help you. But sometimes these messages get lost in the chaos of daily life. However, from April 18 until June 5, we are granted the ability to clear out our internal and spiritual arteries and understand the messages the universe is trying to show us through working with the Tarot Archetypes in a Seven Week Tree of Life Journey. Sign up for the free live stream introductory class on April 13 @ 7PM (CEST) where you will learn about:

  • The Seven-Week Journey To Unravel Patterns Blocking Your Reality.

  • How blockages can prevent us from implementing teachings and wisdom into our life.

  • Why we hesitate to do our spiritual work and commit to resolving issues.

  • The ability to remove anxiety, confusion, doubt, and other blockages in order to receive what message you keep seeing over and over.